2018 Harvard-KMU Mini Research Symposium on Environmental Medicine

Time11th January, 2018 (Thursday) 13:00-18:00

LocationKaohsiung Medical University, Li-Hsueh Building 3F, Audio-Visual Education Center

Call for Paper

Applicant Qualifications:Master or PhD students

Research Field:Environmental Medicine or Occupation Health

Application materials投稿格式:

1.      Cover lever: (1 page), including title, authors (English and Chinese if applicable), authors’ affiliations

2.      Abstract (up to 300 words), including background, method, results, and conclusion. (Please do not include any authors’ information in the abstract for review purpose).

Please email the above two documents (must be written in English) to the Research Center for Environmental Medicine (email: cheneshine@gmail.com) before December 25th, 2017.

 In the email, please use the following format:

        Subject: Application Harvard-KMU_ Your Name _ Application


                        Document 1 Filename: Your Name _ Application _cover letter

                        Document 2 Filename: Your Name _ Application _abstract

Review Process:

Research Center for Environmental Medicine will form a review committee. All applications will be reviewed and the top 12 papers will be selected to be presented (oral presentation) at the day of the symposium.


First Place*1------------------$10,000

Second Place*2---------------$6,000/one person

Third Place*3------------------$3,000/one person

Stunning Performances*6----$1,000/one person



主辦單位:高雄醫學大學環境醫學研究中心(人才躍昇計畫-哈佛公衛學院David Christiani講座教授) 

協辦單位:高雄醫學大學、 哈佛大學公共衛生學院、高醫哈佛基金會


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