2019 ALDH2 STAR - Prior notification
感謝您報名參加2019 ALDH2 STAR,相關活動訊息提醒您:
- 會議時間:108年09月27日(星期五) 9:20~17:00 (因故延後20分鐘開始)
108年09月28日(星期六) 9:10~17:00
- 會議地點:第一教學大樓B1演藝廳 “嚴禁帶飲料及食物進入會場”
- 報到時間:9/27 - 08:50~09:20 ;9/28 - 08:30~09:10
- 報到編號:請參見「附件一之報到編號表」,報到時請告知工作人員您的編號,以利加速報到流程
- 活動已申請:公務人員終身學習時數、職業醫學科專科醫師、本校附設醫院教師成長教育訓練時數、本校教師成長計分。預申請學分之貴賓,請詳簽到桌上之立牌進行簽到退。
- 交通資訊提醒:
- 自行開車:
- 下「鼎金交流道」,直行於民族路左轉,再於同盟路右轉即可到達
- 下「九如交流道」,沿九如路往火車站方向,於自由路右轉,再於同盟路右轉即可到達
- 停車資訊:
- 校園免費停車(僅禮拜六提供):上午9點開放停車,敬請從同盟路校門進入,本次提供運動場地下停
- 本校第一、第二來賓停車場:於附設醫院內,由自由路進入,費用每小時30元計(30分鐘內以15元
- 同盟路上路邊收費停車格。
- 大眾交通工具-高鐵(左營站):
- 可搭計程車前往高醫:於高鐵左營站2號出口即有計程車招呼站
- 搭乘捷運後轉搭接駁車或步行前往高醫:搭乘捷運紅線(往小港方向)至後驛站(高醫大)後,往2號出口
- 大眾交通工具-台鐵
- 可搭計程車前往高醫:由後站出站後搭乘計程車約5分鐘即可到達
- 搭乘捷運後轉搭接駁車或步行前往高醫:搭乘捷運紅線(往南岡山方向)至後驛站後(高醫大),往2號出
- 住宿資訊:https://2019aldh2star.kmu.edu.tw/hotel.html
Dear participants,
Thanks for registering for 2019 ALDH2 STAR. Attached please find registration number.
The check-in/registration for the conference will take place between 8:50am to 9:20am on September 27th and 8:30am to 9:10am on September 28 at the Performing Center in First Teaching Building. Please have your registration number ready to facilitate the registration process. You’ll pick up the conference material package and get your badge at the registration.
Conference time and Venue: (Address: Shih-Chuan 1st Road, kaohsiung City, Taiwan)
Performing Center, First Teaching Building
(Do note that eating and drinking is NOT allowed in the Performance Center.)
- If you take the airplane, you can take taxi from Kaohsiung Airport to KMU(about 30 min), or take KMRT to Houyi Exit 2.
- If you take Taiwan High Speed Rail, you can take taxi from Zuoying Station to KMU(about 17 min), or take KMRT to Houyi Exit 2.
- If you take the train, you can take taxi from Kaohsiung Station to KMU(about 5 min), or take KMRT to Houyi Exit 2.
- If you take MRT to Houyi Exit 2, you can walk to KMU(Turn left at Chahaer 1st St when you walk out at Houyi Exit 2, and walk straight for 10 min.)
※注意事項 Notice
- 本次研討會備有午餐,為響應環保,請自備餐具及環保杯
Please bring your own reusable water bottle or cup.
- 若有任何問題,請電洽(07)3121101 分機2141轉43 ;承辦人:陳慧儒小姐或mail至kmu.rcem@gmail.com,謝謝您!
If you have and further questions or need more information, please contact Ms. Hui-Ju Chen.
Mail: kmu.rcem@gmail.com