!!! 環醫中心趙玉英副教授之研究Papers分別被Analytica Chimica ActaFood Chemistry接受。


Chao YY, Chen YL, Lin HY, Huang TL. "Rapid screening of basic colorants in processed vegetables through mass spectrometry using an interchangeable thermal desorption electrospray ionization source", Analytica Chimica Acta, In Press. 2018 (IF 4.95Rank 9.2 %). 


Chao YY, Chen YL, Chen WC, Chen BH, Huang YL. "Rapid detection of illegal colorants on traditional Chinese pastries through mass spectrometry with an interchangeable thermal desorption electrospray ionization source", Food Chemistry, In Press. 2018 (IF 4.529Rank 4.6%).


!!! 環醫中心李建宏教授-檳榔團隊(檳榔研究)投至JAMA Psychiatry的論文已被刊登,恭喜!


Lee CH, Ko AM, Yang FM, Hung CC, Warnakulasuriya S, Ibrahim OS, Zain RB, Ko YC*. Association of DSM-5 betel-quid use disorder with oral potentially malignant disorder in 6 betel-quid endemic Asian populations. JAMA Psychiatry, 2018.


(IF: 15.307, Rank: 1.4%)


!!! 陳百薰主任與林宜靜主任「讓新興毒品也無所遁形的尖端毒物檢驗室」通過SNQ 國家品質標章」認證。


!!! 中心吳明蒼主任與庫碼老師所申請之「優秀外國青年來台蹲點計畫」經教育部承辦人回覆已通過核定經費50萬元整,未來中心將更積極擴展與國外學研單位的學術交流活動並建立長期合作關係,以提升高雄醫學大學及本中心的國際聲譽。


!!! 呂濟宇教授之研究Paper已發表在Analytical Chemistry


Keng CL, Lin YC, Tseng WL, Lu CY. “Design of Peptide-Based Probes for the Microscale Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species“, Anal Chem. 2017 Oct 17; 89(20):10883-10888. (IF: 6.32, Rank: 5.3%).

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